modefromtier pyconsole

ModeFrontier adds PyConsole for Python scripts

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The latest Volta and ModeFrontier 2021R2 release has arrived with a batch of new features including a new Python-based PyConsole in ModeFrontier to expand the possibilities to perform data visualisation and predictive modelling.

PyConsole is based on the Python 3 standard, allowing users to extend the ModeFrontier design space capabilities relating to data visualisation and the creation of predictive models.

Esteco says this gives the opportunity to import datasets from ModeFrontier tables in a users’ preferred Python environment and plot these data on a preferred python charts library.

Alternatively, users can build predictive models using favourite Python libraries, or export a dataset from PyConsole to the ModeFrontier design space, ready to be used as the native ModeFrontier tables.

The new feature should be of interest to engineers looking to enhance the customisation of data analysis and visualisation charts with the high-quality potentiality of Python numerical and graphical libraries.

Across the board, Esteco Volta has added new functionality for design optimisation, letting users add better traceability of simulation plan configurations in Volta Planner.

With the results of a design exploration or optimisation strategy depending on the version of the simulation workflow and the specific configuration of parameters, constraints, and objectives which are set up in the Volta Planner environment.

volta User interface
New look user interface in Esteco Volta

With the new functionality, users can immediately see which settings and strategies were used to generate the simulation results, doubling as a valuable traceability visualisation dashboard that users can access at any time to check which are the configurations for each simulation plan.

Volta, meanwhile, has undergone a redesign of the User Interface to improve usability throughout its modular environments and, Esteco says, accommodate specific requests coming from customers.

A new navigation pane look to efficiently reorganise how users access data and simulation projects, while a new search bar should assist in finding items.

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