Bucher contact cim plm cloud

Bucher Municipal sweeps-in new PLM with CIM Database Cloud

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Bucher Municipal, a Swiss manufacturer of specialist cleaning and clearing vehicles, has looked to standardise and optimise its range worldwide through updating its PLM system.

Used for the cleaning of sewers, cities, roads, construction sites, and airports as well as winter maintenance, Bucher’s vehicles had previously been designed on various sites using different PDM systems, making it difficult to reuse identical parts and leading to the creation of new items, resulting in additional costs.

Using its integrations to Dassault Systèmes Solidworks, Autodesk Inventor and AutoCAD as well as the ERP connection to Microsoft Dynamics 365, Bucher has adopted Contact CIM Database for its master data and end-to-end development processes.

With 18 production sites and five service and distribution centres, employees will have company-wide access to a central database, simplifying and accelerating collaboration between its global design and manufacturing centres.

“With CIM Database, we will use a software that allows our global engineering sites to collaborate closely,” said Olaf Witt, business engineer and PLM project manager at Bucher Municipal.

Witt continues that Bucher will leverage the cloud solution way beyond CAD data and document management, introducing additional PLM applications enabled by the scalable cloud solution.

A CIM Database modules for variant management and control of change processes will allow the company to transparently represent complex product configurations across all design areas and respond to individual customer requirements.


Also, Contact’s xBOM Manager will make engineering changes traceable in location- or order-specific manufacturing bills of materials, and Universal Classification enables identical parts to be identified and reused.