WATCH // Why manufacturing is the future for Stratasys’ large format 3D printing

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Stratasys took to the stage at our Boston event to unveil its future plans for 3D printing in manufacturing

With the mainstream spotlight shifted away from 3D printing, the big players are working harder than ever to develop tools, machines and materials to make the technology work for large scale manufacturing.

Stratasys SVP of global software, Jon Stevenson, explained to our audience in Boston just how the 3D printing giant is helping develop the collaborative nature of its software for better design and printing, as well as giving us an insight into what it’s been working on with Boeing and Ford for the next generation of its 3D printing technology: Infinite Build.

An age of composites and advanced thermoplastics is upon us, and as more designers look to take advantage of such materials, it will be down to the likes of Stratasys to ensure new found design freedoms emerging from CAD and simulation tools can be built to industry standards.

DEVELOP3D Live USA – Jon Stevenson, GrabCAD/Stratasys from DEVELOP3D on Vimeo.

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