Huawei and Altair join forces for High-Performance Computing and Cloud Simulation

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Execs from Huawei and Altair toast their new plans for cooperation

Huawei and Altair have agreed to cooperate to develop industrial simulation cloud solutions for their customers, beginning with a joint test centre at Huawei’s Munich lab for software and hardware optimisation tests based on Altair’s PBS Works and Huawei’s HPC and cloud platforms.

Altair PBS Works is a leading HPC workload management suite that offers resource management solutions and policy-based job scheduling solutions.

“Digital transformation is now bringing revolutionary changes to the manufacturing industry, especially in the automobile industry,” said Yu Dong, president of industry marketing & solution dept of enterprise BG, Huawei.
“An industrial simulation cloud platform can accelerate engineering simulation tests and allow local and remote R&D personnel to simultaneously work on product designs with cutting-edge technologies and designs, gaining edges in the market.”

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