CAD News: Tech Soft 3D to Sell MachineWorks Polygonica

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Mesh-modelling toolkit Polygonica is now available from Tech Soft

Increasing its toolkit offerings, Tech Soft 3D is now offering Polygonica solid modelling software for processing polygon meshes.

The new agreement allows developers to license the polygonal modelling technology from the same partner that provides multiplatform toolkits for visualsation, data access, solid modeling and 3D PDF publishing.

Useful for Healing, Boolean and other operations to modify models automatically, automated operations can be set up in Polygonica for all types of objects, regardless of size or level of complexity – making it an interesting addition to a professional 3D printing tool set.
Tech Soft’s portfolio powers nearly 500 unique applications, with Polygonica now bundled into easy-to-use interfaces for less hassle when integrating into existing applications such as HOOPS Visualize, or other software development kits.

David Manley, managing director of Polygonica parent company MachineWorks, said: “Polygonica has already established a reputation as a high-quality mesh modeling toolkit. Tech Soft 3D have a first class reputation for providing component technology and we are confident this partnership will help expand the geographical and market reach for Polygonica.”


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