Theorem Solutions - tech soft CADverter and XR updates

CADverter sees translation updates in latest Theorem Solutions release

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Theorem Solutions has announced updates for its range of tools including its CAD translator CADverter, 3D PDF publisher and Extended Reality software.

Seven product updates have been released for Theorem’s flagship CAD translation tool CADverter for Catia V5 to JT, Creo to NX, STEP to NX, Solidworks to JT, JT to Catia Composer and Catia V5 to ICEM Surf DB.

The CADverter updates mean that users can now work with the latest supported versions of their CAD and visualisation applications, which should help them keep pace and exchange data in the correct format with their customers, suppliers, and collocated teams.

For those that need to work with Catia V5 and JT data but without access to a Catia V5 license, an updated release of Theorem’s independent Catia V5i to JT product is now available supporting the latest versions of the Dassault Systèmes software.

CADverter V25 includes support for Catia V5-V62022 (R32), Catia Composer R2022, Creo 8.0, JT toolkit version 11, NX 2007 and Solidworks R2022. Earlier version of these formats are supported but Theorem advises should be checked against the exact translator.

The Catia V5 to 3D PDF Publisher and NX to 3D PDF Publisher products now deliver support for the latest version of Catia V5, Catia V5-V62022 (R32), and Siemens NX, NX 2007, enabling users to export full and interactive representations of their design and associated meta data from the source Catia V5 or NX applications to a standard PDF document, without compromising sensitive intellectual property.

In terms of support for VR and AR, Theorem-XR gains further enhancements to its core functionality including remote collaboration being added across the experience platforms, enhanced support for Microsoft Azure Remote Rendering for streaming large, high quality data sets to the Microsoft HoloLens 2, updates to the Visualization Pipeline (Theorem’s automated data preparation and optimisation tool for XR) offering updates to the search and project management capabilities, as well as support for AEC formats, Revit and Navisworks.


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