Autodesk and SolidWorks – the year ahead

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We’re still only a few weeks into 2016, but already the big players in the CAD software industry have made some big announcements that will have future impact on the way you design and engineer.

Catch up with all the latest news from both Autodesk University and SolidWorks World – all online and totally free – below, and get the firsthand advantage.

Remember: if you’re based in the UK and couldn’t make it out to these events, we’re bringing SolidWorks and Autodesk execs to Warwick Arts Centre on 31 March for DEVELOP3D LIVE – our free to attend, single-day conference. Find out more and register for free here.

Autodesk University 2015

Read about everything that happened at Autodesk University 2015 for free here:

Day 1 Live Blog – the opening day as it happened
Day 2 Live Blog – the day as it happened
Q+A with Autodesk top Brass – we got up close an personal about all the latest Autodesk news
5 Things we learned from AU2015 – some of the big stories and our predictions


SolidWorks World 2016

Read about everything that happened at SolidWorks University 2016 for free here:

5 Things We learned from SWW16
Day 1 Live Blog – The opening day as it happened
Day 2 Live Blog – Big news and announcements
Day 3 Live Blog – What’s coming in the 2017 version

Find out more about DEVELOP3D LIVE 2016

We’ll have senior figures from Autodesk, SolidWorks, Siemens, PTC, Onshape and many more of the leading design technology companies on stage and exhibiting at DEVELOP3D LIVE on 31 March.

A single day event, we give you the chance to prepare yourself and your team for the changes ahead in the design tools you use, and gain experience and insight into how other leading designers and engineers are using them.

To register for free, simply click here.

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