B-Jetting entry level Educator binder jetting

‘Entry level’ binder jetting 3D printer launched by B-Jetting

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B-jetting has unveiled two new binder-jet 3D printer platforms, The Educator and The Researcher, as it targets customers looking to take first steps into using the AM technology.

The company explains that it developed The Educator platform specifically to fill a void in the market for a small, affordable, binder-jet system that utilises its team’s decades of industry experience and customer support built primarily at ExOne, now a Desktop Metal company.

B-Jetting says that The Educator can be used as either an entry-level introduction to binder jetting or as a development tool to test out new materials or improve process development.

The Educator system starts at $100k, including a fully functional binder-jet system with a 60mm box, curing oven, and powder recycling system.

The Researcher has the same functionality as The Educator but comes with additional modularity. Some of the options include an inert chamber, glove box, drop watcher, or the capacity to choose printheads.

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