SIGGRAPH 2012 #4: Luxion teams with DuPont for colour accurate paint vis

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News out of SIGGRAPH that Luxion, developers of KeyShot, have teamed up with the custom colour fiends at DuPont Performance Coatings to bring the company’s custom paints to the rendering system, allowing users to accurately replicate off the shelf paints. According to the company, “DuPont will link its proprietary digital color rendering technologies with Luxion’s digital object rendering software making it possible for Luxion and DuPont customers in the transportation, aerospace (or other applicable) industry to use KeyShot for accurate color and paint visualization on their products, all in in real time without having to rely at all on the physical samples.

Good news. So when I get hold of that mk1 Ford Cortina, i won’t have to wait for a 2″ by 4″ chip to trick it out.

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