Renishaw collaborates with Materialise on new metals 3D printing software

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Renishaw’s AM250 laser melting system has its 3D printing capabilities boosted by the new software collaboration with Materialise

Materialise and Renishaw have joined their considerable 3D printing knowhow to further advance 3D printing software for metals.

The Renishaw Build Processor software has been devised to enhance the capabilities of Renishaw’s AM250 additive manufacturing system, allowing users to input STL files from any CAD package or to import native CAD formats directly into the Materialise Magics software.

Users can then edit, manipulate and heal models before orientating and adding build supports, while allowing material files to be freely designed and edited before an output is created, which can be read directly by the AM250 system.
“With this highly flexible platform, the user is able to control up to 170 parameters, fully utilising Renishaw’s open source parameter ethos,” trumpetted David Ewing, product marketing engineer at Renishaw.

“However, it maintains a user-friendly interface, using predetermined parameters so that the build can be prepared in a few simple steps.”

A large suite of functions should also give users greater control of the build, with more support structure generators and powerful build file generation algorithms.


With experience, the additional parameters will give the user unprecedented control, which ultimately will improve part quality.

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