Bob’s got a Blog

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Why didn’t I know this before? Bob McNeel has a blog. Its updated regularly by himself and Carlos – Bob’s the founder of McNeel, developer of amongst other things, Rhino, Brazil, Accurender and all manner of other stuff that sells by the bucket load at a very reasonable cost and Carlos runs the European operation from their Barcelona office.

And as anyone who’s been to a Rhino event will know, this company has a following which other CAD vendors can only dream of. I don’t know if anyone has a Rhino tattoo, but its only a matter of time.

I was lucky enough to get to go to their DIMe event in Mexico last year and I was blown away – here, hundreds of Mexican design students gathered together, largely at their own cost, to learn about the process of design from some really big names in the game – and I don’t mean the 25 minute pitch of “how to innovate” nonsense you get at other user events, but hour long, in-depth details – and they listened.


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