Ford_Polestar JT to Catia V5

Theorem JT to Catia V5 focuses on Ford suppliers

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JT to Catia V5 from Theorem is the latest release from the Ford certified software supplier, with Ford having chosen the translator to support both their internal ‘Design in Context’ strategies and external design and manufacturing communication with suppliers.

The JT to Catia V5 product directly converts the data into the V5 version of Dassault Systèmes’ CAD software.

The translator converts all forms of 3D mechanical design geometry and assembly data, and in addition to structure and component information, it converts product manufacturing information (PMI) from an existing JT file, into a Catia representation, together with colour and system defined attribute information.

In the context of Ford’s defined methods the software is run directly from within Catia V5.

Suppliers moving to this latest release will benefit from continued updates of their environments to match that of Ford’s internal version.

The move should enable users to seamlessly exchange data between Ford and themselves using JT format data.

The update is now available for download via either the Covisint or Theorem websites, with the updated release having the catchy title of: JT-CATIA V5-6R2020 (Version 23.1.001) for Ford FEDE-C3PNG SER 5.0 Catia R30.


Upgrade confirmation will also be sent to all suppliers from Ford, together with additional details, although Theorem advises that for this version, all users must ensure that they have upgraded their license to the Theorem Solutions version 23.0 or higher to enable the software to function. Any earlier licenses must be discarded.

Users on a Maintained Theorem Solutions license will be able to download the free upgrade to the Theorem Solutions CADverter ensuring that it remains compatible with the latest Ford approved software and process.

Polestar and Ford: New directions in automotive