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Siemens expands ODB format for Digital Twin

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Siemens has expanded its ODB++ language for single data-structure, for transferring PCB designs into fabrication, assembly and test for a complete end-to-end digital solution covering design, process and manufacturing information flows.

With over 50,000 worldwide ODB++ users under the ODB++ umbrella, Siemens‘ newest data exchange format, ODB++Process (previously OPM), can enable the open exchange of process engineering information between disparate machines, software vendors, and stand-alone processes.

The goal is to help accelerate new product introductions (NPIs) and ‘first-time-right’ manufacturing.

Siemens states that this is unique to the industry as no other standards body or solution provider offers a data exchange format ‘for this capability’.

Each of these intelligent data exchange modules is designed to be neutral and open, supporting all SMT machine vendors (placement, inspection, test and soldering) and all EDA software providers.

With a complete digital twin of the electronics manufacturing flow (product, process, and performance), customers can better realise their latest Smart Factory or Industry 4.0 initiatives with greater confidence and efficiency.

“By using a single assembly format file output like ODB++Process, which standardises machine package library’s with vShapes across the entire production line, Koh Young is able to minimise program variations between machines like inspection and mounters,” said user JD Shin, chief sales office for Koh Young Technology.


“The enhanced approach to programming reduces human error and variation and significantly reduces the NPI programming cycle time.

“What’s more, the single file assembly format output like ODB++Process is machine agnostic and easily enables moving production assembly data and process requirements between lines – and more importantly factories across the world.”

Know your ODBs

  • ODB++Design: Full product design data representation, created by design tools, used for design for manufacturing, fabrication, test and assembly analysis (DFx), as well as being the single carrier of design data to electronics assembly and fabrication
  • ODB++Process: The format into which the design data is prepared and converted ready for use at any production machine or workstation
  • ODB++Manufacturing: The specification for all shop-floor events, bi-directionally between machines, and between machines and Smart Industry 4.0 software solutions

To access these formats, DEVELOP3D Readers can visit www.odbplusplus.com.

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