mark-two markforged 3D printer

Markforged doubles speed of its Mark Two and Onyx Pro Gen 2 3D printers

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Markforged has announced a software update for its Mark Two and second generation Onyx Pro 3D printers adding a turbo function to their FDM additive layering process.

Turbo Print is a new 250 µm layer height print mode that results in print speed increases of up to 2x compared to 200 µm print settings, while maintaining the same surface finish quality as 200 µm printed parts.

Markforged explains that print speeds up to two times faster are especially valuable if you have high printer utilisation, operate a print farm, need to produce MRO parts or respond quickly to line changeovers on the factory floor, or if you print design iterations.

We reviewed the Mark Two in 2016 shortly after its launch, with this latest upgrade showing a remarkable commitment by the brand to its continued support and ROI for users.

Mark Two and Onyx Pro Turbo Print is compatible with Gen 2 devices, supports Markforged Onyx filament and requires no hardware changes. Compatible online printers require a firmware update. Offline Eiger users with active licenses will receive this feature packaged in a future quarterly software update.

Due to hardware limitations, Turbo Print is not compatible with some other desktop models. Gen 1 Onyx One, Gen 1 Onyx Pro, and Gen 1 Mark Two printers are incompatible because the Gen 1 extruder does not have sufficient filament push-force and the wiring in the printer does not support the Gen 2 extruder so an extruder swap is not possible.

Gen 2 Onyx One printers lack a fiber heater, which is required to generate the heat necessary to melt plastic fast enough for 250 µm printing. A product label on the back of the device should help users devise which model they own.


While Markforged stopped selling Gen 1 desktops in 2019, they continue to receive support through 31 December 2026, if covered by an active support plan or warranty.