Tech Soft 3D OpenMind HERO

Tech Soft 3D and Open Mind collaborate on CAM solutions

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Tech Soft 3D and Open Mind have announced a new collaboration, with the former’s addition of Hoops Exchange to the latter’s CAM software HyperMill and HyperCAD-S boasting improved CAD data access.

The move should ensure that all CAD and Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) data are transferred seamlessly between applications.

“This kind of responsiveness is critical in our industry, as well as interoperability with multiple CAD formats,” said Open Mind Technologies CTO Dr. Josef Koch. “Hoops Exchange is the leading product in this area and was an easy choice for us.

“We are very happy to be able to offer our customers the ability to work with any CAD file type now, without any loss of data integrity when sharing files.”

“Digital transformation is happening at lightning speed within the manufacturing industry and we are committed to helping our partners, such as Open Mind, keep pace with this rapid momentum,” said Lionel Vieilly, Product Manager at Tech Soft 3D.

“Fast access to the full integrity of data, being able to use that data without the need for an additional translator, extreme performance with low memory usage – these are all paramount to quickly building robust, sophisticated 3D applications and we are proud to be the ones our partners look to as the gold standard.”

Headquartered in Wessling, Germany, Open Mind is one of the world’s leading developers of CAM solutions for machine and controller-independent programming.


Tech Soft 3D is a leading global provider of development tools that help software teams deliver successful applications.

The company’s toolkit products power nearly 500 unique applications running on hundreds of millions of computers worldwide.

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