Virtalis moves into headsets for desktop VR immersion

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Visionary Render v1.3 now allows Virtalis’ VR technology to work on head mounted displays

This autumn sees personal desktop VR for designers receive a major boost with the release of Virtalis Visionary Render version 1.3, which will allow its software for large model CAD assemblies to run on VR headsets.

Known for its huge VR cave and VR cube technologies, the same software can now be used to create VR experiences using data heavy CAD data at a desktop level, with updated data importers looking to speed up the workflow, with the ability to drag and drop CAD files.

Built around a plug-and-play interface, the GUI is specifically for the new generation of consumer-priced head mounted displays, including Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. In addition, other desktop devices, such as the zSpace and stereo displays are also supported.
“For those operating in corporate data environments, we have taken the hassle out of updating either new versions of CAD importers, or new versions of Visionary Render”, explained Virtalis technical director Andrew Connell. “Version independence allows modules to be mixed-and-matched reducing the QA overhead of software updates.”

Eye-tracking data can be harvested from subjects exposed to VR models via the software’s Arrington Eye Tracker. Virtalis has delivered head-mounted display systems with built-in Arrington systems for many years, but this is the first time the data has been integrated into Virtalis software.

This advance will be useful to retailers or human behaviour researchers who wish to track which bits of the virtual world are making the greatest impact.


Immersion has also been further extended with support for haptic devices, so users can explore VR models both visually and via virtual touch before sharing them with colleagues remotely.

“You don’t need to buy any separate modules to use all these new devices in the VR armoury now, significantly decreasing the cost of desktop immersion. We have striven to pack in all this functionality, so our customers have access to it all without leaving their desks,” concludes Connell.

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