Protolabs injection moulding design service launched

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Protolabs has launched a new injection moulding Consultative Design Service that aims to help users tap into the critical thinking and problem solving of its 200-strong team of designers and engineers.

Already known for its automated design for manufacturing analysis via a digital quoting platform, Protolabs says the new offer for injection moulding services has the potential to help clients across numerous industries optimise component performance, reduce manufacturing costs and shorten lead times.

The plan is for the Consultative Design Service to allow companies to choose what sort of advice they need. Users can continue to use the digital quoting platform by uploading their CAD as many times as they like to check and recheck their designs.

Alternatively, the extended offer can be activated by contacting their account manager after they have uploaded their CAD and received their first automated design for manufacturability analysis and quote.

“The advantage is that you will receive your report and quote back within a couple of hours.  It’s a really fast way of checking that your design is practical for production.” says Samuel Guest, Protolabs product manager for injection moulding.

Guest added that by adding the critical thinking of a Protolabs engineer user could to find the best solution for their injection moulding challenge. “There may be other alternatives that save you money or provide better functionality,” he said.

“By understanding what it is that you hope to achieve, we can become part of your team to provide that link between design and manufacturing. We are not a design engineering consultancy but can offer design for manufacturing advice. And that’s the link that is often missing.”
