Missler is now involved in a European-wide effort to automate the production of complex composite materials
Missler, producer of TopSolid CAM software, has joined European-wide initiative FibreChain to optimise the production of multilayer composites, through the employment of robots in the supply chain.
The project was developed by 17 partners from 7 European countries, including university research institutes and industry heavyweights such as Nikon Metrology and Trumpf, to which the CAM specialists have now input of their experience in programming robotic machining patterns.
Missler has been working on piloting robots to control the production chain for some time, from the removal of carbon fiber strips in the raw state, to dimensional control through and machining definition and the calculation of phases, aiming to allow composites such as carbon fibre to be mass produced on an industrial scale.

The program aims to take the production of carbon fibre to an industrial scale
All the companies involved in this race to develop the first automated manufacturing system for mass production of carbon fiber components have skills in various fields such as engineering, manufacturing, laser measures, control technologies and simulation.