Mastercam-CoroPlus sandvik CAM

Mastercam 2024 Integrates Sandvik CoroPlus Tool Library

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Mastercam has collaborated with Sandvik Coromant to integrate its CoroPlus Tool Library add-in to the new 2024 release of the CAM software.

CoroPlus Tool Library is a digital platform that provides users with access to the latest cutting tool data, 3D models of cutting tools and holders. It is designed to help customers optimise their machining operations and improve productivity in CAD/CAM by providing the most accurate and up-to-date information about cutting tools.

Adding CoroPlus Tool Library should enable Mastercam customers to save significant time searching for desired tools and building 3D tool assemblies that can be brought directly into the software.

The CoroPlus Tool Library makes tool recommendations based on material, operation, and tool type, and the ability to import tool assemblies directly should equal a useful time saving.

Sandvik Cormorant says that the integration between Mastercam and CoroPlus Tool Library will enable users to access 3D models of cutting tools and tool holders directly from the CAM interface allowing for more accurate simulation and increased programming quality.

Users will also get access to cutting data and tooling recommendations directly in the CAM package, making it easier for users to select the best cutting tools for their specific applications and optimise their machining operations.

By utilising 3D tool models and recommended cutting data, users can optimise the machining process and achieve better results faster, with the 3D model useful for visualisation and collision checking.


The add-in is included as part of the service of CoroPlus Tool Library, which is available to try for free for a 30-day trial period, or through a monthly or yearly subscription.


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