New year, new opportunities. or so they say. But while we’re talking about change, myself and the rest of the DEVELOP3D team would like to know what you, the reader, the browser of the blog, wants to know. Our company’s tag line is Community Through Content and we mean it. Is there a burning issue that’s aching to be resolved? Is there a technology you’d like investigated, explained and expanded upon? Is there a product, class of product or field of technology that you’d like to see more of both online and in print? What do you think we’re not doing enough of, or equally, something that we’re doing too much?
We’d really really really like to know. Please? you can get in touch with me via {encode=”al@x3dmedia.com” title=”email”}, via twitter or mostly handily, using the comments below. Go at it. Let us have it. All of it. We’re all ears.