Solidworks World 2015 – 3 things to expect

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We’ll be live from Phoenix Arizona next week to bring you the latest goings on from SolidWorks World 2015

Like thousands of other designers, engineers and CAD nuts, we’re heading to Phoenix Arizona from 8 – 11 February for SolidWorks World 2015 – bringing you live coverage as it happens.

Brought to you with support from the nice people at Lenovo, DEVELOP3D will be on the ground covering every inch of the event to relay the news from the most anticipated SWW in recent memory.

Even if you’re making the journey to Phoenix we’ll be bringing you the latest news from the behind the scenes press conferences, briefings and one-to-one interviews to find out just what is happening at one of the world’s biggest CAD software companies, and how this will impact you.

Three things to expect from SolidWorks World:


The new CEO Gian Paolo Bassi is in place in time for the event, meaning some big stage pressure on setting out his plans for the company – both in the near future, with increasing interest around SolidWork’s ideas for the Cloud, and longer term, regarding how it’s building out its next generation of products on the foundations of Catia and Enovia V6.

GPB will be keen to keep its customers focused on SolidWorks, with old rivals like Autodesk looking to set up an interconnected web of design tools, Siemens aiming to pick away any disgruntled customers with Solid Edge, and PTC striving to give designers an inroad to the Internet of Things. Meanwhile, newcomers like Onshape are already turning some heads.


The ship isn’t rocking, but SolidWorks will be keen to remind everyone just why it’s in the top echelons of CAD tools. A new CEO stamping his mark on the product might be just what’s required.

2. Up in the clouds?

With Autodesk embracing design tools online, and Onshape looking to be a new breed of cloud-based CAD, eyes will be on SolidWorks to see which direction they move towards.

Rumours are abound that this is the SolidWorks World where the company announces its plans. Cloud computing remains a stickler for many customers untrusting of the lapses in security posed by the internet, so whatever comes of the rumours, you’re not going to want to miss this year’s event.

3. ‘Some of that Conceptual healing’

Having launched Mechanical Conceptual last year, this will be the SWW where we get some feedback on how it is working out for the customers – who is using it and what for?

Also in the Conceptual family, there should be updates on last year’s announcement – Industrial Conceptual.

Scheduled for launch in this first quarter, its Sub-D modelling technology is seemingly expected to take on Rhino 3D, a tool that could be of interest to a lot of users already having to switch between the two products.

It’s going to be a great event – join us throughout the three days to find out the latest news and releases, and post any questions you would like answering below the line.

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