In the latest release of Simcenter 3D (2019.1), Siemens PLM Software introduces new, cutting-edge simulation capabilities, along with stronger connections to the broader Simcenter portfolio (That portfolio includes the likes of Femap, Madymo, STAR-CCM+, Flotherm as well as all of the tools from the LMS acquisition for physical testing).
For those that are additive curious, it’s also worth noting that the solution set has also been updated to include simulation of the additive manufacturing process, as well as more traditional engineering simulation tools to cover transmission simulation, aero-structure margin of safety analysis and fluid-structure interaction.
“In order to build accurate digital twins of their products, companies are demanding more innovations in their simulation software,” said Jan Leuridan, senior VP, simulation and test solutions, Siemens PLM Software. “We are continually innovating new ways to streamline simulation processes and deliver greater accuracy.
“This release represents a major milestone in integration of more physics and technologies into the Simcenter 3D environment, so our customers can predict real world performance.”
The transmission simulation tools are interesting, particularly considering Siemens’ portfolio’s growing use in the automotive sector.
Simcenter 3D can now automate the creation and simulation of transmission simulation models within a single, integrated environment.
This type of work is traditionally a multi-step process, so having a single tools claim to ‘reduce the engineer’s effort by up to 80%’ presumably by removing some of the repetitive steps involved in moving between systems, solver and their requirements.
As Horim Yang, a senior research engineer at Hyundai explains, explains,“Creating a complex transmission multi-body model is a very time-consuming process, often requiring the use of multiple software tools. Simcenter 3D is well suited for our engineering purposes and can reduce the overall time spent on transmission modelling and simulation.”
In terms of connecting Simcenter 3D to the wider Simcenter portfolio, there are two focal areas for this release: Simcenter 3D now talks to STAR-CCM+ to enable the building of aero-acoustics and aero-vibro-acoustic simulations. Simcenter 3D now also talks to NX’s routing module to obtain electrical cord layouts and connection points, which enables the simulation of electrical cord deformation within moving assemblies so engineers can make sure wire harnesses don’t get caught on moving parts and adjust as needed to cord routing.