Opportunities for circular economy in Innovate UK’s Materials and Manufacturing competition

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Innovate UK’s latest funding competition includes potential awards for those with designs for product end-of-life, materials reuse, and remanufacture

Innovate UK has fired in to the new financial year by pushing a wheelbarrow full of £50 notes in the direction of the circular economy.

The body is looking to award products, services and those developing novel materials for manufacturing and design for end-of-life.

The competition scope includes:
• the development of novel services that open up new sources of revenue from manufacturing
• innovation in manufacturing business models
• innovation in materials reuse
• design for end-of-life
This could include remanufacturing, reprocessing, biotechnology, design for disassembly, remanufacture or reuse and many more within scope.

Applicants are encouraged to get help with their application by contacting the Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN), {encode=”catherine.joce@ktn-uk.org” title=”here”}.

Innovate UK is the new name for the Technology Strategy Board – the UK’s innovation agency, aimed at accelerating economic growth.
