Mirrakoi heads to US market with Novedge partnership

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Having launched its first CAD product, XirusCAD, for intuitive freeform and organic product design with full BRep compatibility, Swiss tech company Mirrakoi has now announced its availability in the USA.

A new partnership with Novedge, one of the largest online US resellers for design software, sees XirusCAD onside in North America for the first time.

According Novedge, XirusCAD expands the capabilities of Rhino, making it of interest for architects, industrial designers, and jewellery designers, with its abilities “Picking up where t-Splines left off”.
“XirusCAD provides a great alternative for old t-Splines users that felt stuck with Rhino 5 when t-Splines was acquired by Autodesk,” said Barbara D’Aloisio, marketing manager at Novedge.

“Those users can finally upgrade to the new Rhino 6 and move from the outdated t-Splines to XirusCAD.

“The combination of Rhino 6 and XirusCAD powers up the features of the old toolset (Rhino 5 plus t-Splines) and provides a pathway to future updates and improvements on both platforms.”

Mirrakkoi is a spin-off company of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, specialising in software development for 3D organic and freeform surfacing.


Last year Mirrakoi exhibited XirusCAD at DEVELOP3D LIVE in Boston, which returns again this year on September 24.

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