MeshFusion launched for Modo 701

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The Foundry has announced its new modelling tool plug-in for Modo 701, MeshFusion, integrating 3D modelling, animation, sculpting, effects and rendering tools for asset creation.

Forming part of the Modo workflow, The Foundry say it offers the ability to interactively blend, add and subtract objects to create high quality subdivision surface (SDS) models quickly and effectively.

As a plug-in for Modo, the new software creates booleans between SDS objects and enables users to control the blending between the resulting surfaces.

It features three intuitive editing modes – 3D Tree Fusion, Schematic Fusion and Fusion Strip – and can be used with deformers, as well as other Modo modelling tools.

The result of the final mesh output is a single unified mesh that is ready for further editing or exporting to a 3D printer.


“MeshFusion opens up a world of creative possibilities for users,” trilled Shane Griffith, Modo product marketing manager, excited that his words wouldn’t be heard by anyone until the 5.30pm +GMT embargo was lifted.

“It removes the challenge of complex and frustrating boolean operations and makes the process of producing high quality models consistent and accurate.

“Model creation that would previously take days can now be completed in just hours, with precision and control.”

MeshFusion is being demonstrated live at SolidWorks World in San Diego where our intrepid reporter Al will be finding out more.

Read our review of Modo 701 here.

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