Dr Phil is in the house! (And helping charity)

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One of the most exciting new technology charities we know, Techfortrade, has appointed one of our amazing DEVELOP3D Live speakers Dr Phil Reeves, managing director of Econolyst, to its board of directors.

The appointment follows techfortrade’s inaugural 3D4D Challenge at the end of last year, which aimed to find innovative uses for 3D printing technology to improve the lives of those in developing nations.

“Emerging technology such as 3D printing inevitably creates a lot of excitement. It is vital that we find ways to harness the potential to provide as much benefit to people as possible, and to create sustainable development,” said Dr Phil. “Techfortrade is committed to achieving this mission and I am honoured to be working to help drive its success.”

With nearly 20 years of experience, as a researcher, strategist and analyst, focused on the future of 3D printing and additive manufacturing, Dr Phil is hoping his skills can help uncover, foster and support sustainable and scalable technology solutions that facilitate trade and alleviate poverty.

“We are delighted that Phil has come on board,” said William Hoyle, CEO of techfortrade. “At techfortrade, we are dedicated to unearthing new and innovative technologies and finding ways that they can help the world’s poorest communities, trade out of poverty. With all of his experience and expertise, Phil is the perfect person to help with this.”

