DEVELOP3D LIVE – Boston, 26 September

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Boston has been named the location for DEVELOP3D LIVE’s first event outside the UK, with the city set to host a day of talks from leading design firms and technologists.

Taking place on 26 September, the DEVELOP3D team will take over District Hall in downtown Boston, where attendees can expect presentations examining the digital design process, together with recent applications of disruptive technologies such as laser scanning, virtual reality and of course 3D printing.

Among the speakers will be talks from the likes of Bose, Formlabs and FreightFarms, exploring their own cutting edge processes.

The DEVELOP3D editorial team will be taking up residence in Boston for the show and are looking forward to meeting delegates and sharing a few beers after the talks with our American chums. Al Dean, Greg Corke, Stephen Holmes and Martyn Day will all be on hand to host the day.

Seats are extremely limited at this first US event, so get in early and book your place here.


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