WATCH // D3D LIVE 2017 – Corey Rubadue, Chaos Group – The order and beauty of design viz

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With over 20 years experience in the field of visual design, Corey Rubadue has pioneered both 3D visual development and software development.

At DEVELOP3D LIVE 2017 Rubadue gave the audience an insight into how visualisation in the design workflow is changing, and even went as far as to give an exclusive insight into Chaos Group’s latest tools for the task.

Click here to watch more videos from our 2017 event as they’re uploaded, as well as the entire back catalogue of some of the best talks from past events.

With a background in architecture, Corey experienced firsthand the challenges of visual design in architecture, before launching ASGVIS in 2005, which first brought V-Ray for Rhino and V-Ray for SketchUp to market, leading to the acquisition of ASGVIS by Chaos Group in early 2011.

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