D3DLIVE Speakers: Blake Courter, SpaceClaim Co-Founder

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Blake Courter is a founder of SpaceClaim Corporation, where he helps product development organisations make 3D more accessible to all engineers, its aim: to let every engineer to work in 3D without having to be a CAD expert.

An avid solid modeller, he’s likely to have some strong opinions on the direction of the CAD market and what should be happening in the future.

Blake started his career at PTC, where he held a range of product management and business development positions. He received a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Princeton University in 1996.


We’re announcing the speakers gradually over the coming days for DEVELOP3D LIVE, which takes place on the 20th March at Warwick University, although many of our magical confirmed presenters can be found here.


Expect concise and informative talks on design, tools, and what to expect in the future – no dull sales pitches, no companies on stage talking about dull things because they paid to – it’s an event based around DEVELOP3D – a living embodiment of what makes you and thousands more love the magazine. And it’s FREE to attend. But register now, as space is limited.

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