Autodesk Memento goes commercial, now named ReMake

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Autodesk Memento, the company’s latest tool for converting photos or scans into high-definition 3D meshes, has had a retitle with which to commence its commercial release.

Now named ReMake, the tool maintains its cross industry goals for taking in capture data and being able to clean, fix, edit, scale, measure, re-topologise and more within the same product.

Autodesk advises that ReMake handles reverse engineering as support for design and engineering, for asset creation for AR/VR, film, game, art, for archiving and preserving heritage.

In our review of the Beta product earlier this year, Al Dean said: “The idea of a single system that not only allows you to load, edit and repair highly complex and unwieldy meshes, but also gives you a growing set of tools to generate those forms (using scanners and photogrammetry), is fascinating.


“In terms of the usefulness of the photogrammetry tools, if you’ve used high-spec laser scanners, then you might be expecting some sketchy results. I think you’ll probably be pleasantly surprised.

“Memento won’t capture all of the detail you’d expect from £30k worth of hardware, but you can get a decent scan, cost effectively, using the DSLR that is in every office these days, and there are a multitude of uses, whether for reference models (for modelling to), for including rendered scenes, or whatever.”

To read the full review, click here.

Autodesk ReMake has had its commercial launch – hence the new squiggly-swooshy 3D artwork

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