Autodesk unveils enhancements to ReCap portfolio at SPAR International

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Autodesk’s ReCap range for 3D data capture has been updated

Autodesk has announced changes to its data capture offerings, including ReCap a free desktop application for laser scan preparation when part of Autodesk Suites.

The software aids with the import of scans, viewing, cleaning, clipping, sectioning, basic measurements and indexing of registered scan data, forming companion product to the Autodesk portfolio to convert Reality Data in RCP/RCS files, and to upload Real Views to Autodesk 360.

At the SPAR event in Houston, US, Autodesk also unveiled modifications to ReCap 360, a cloud-connected desktop application that allows users to integrate reality capture data into the design process.

New features include:

– New native laser scan imports – additions to the long list of supported scan formats for streamlined workflows
– Advanced measurement tools – smart measurement tools that allow you to easily measure diameters and distances between cylinders and planes with automatic shape fitting
– Advanced annotation and sync – add tags, notes, pictures and hyperlinks that will be automatically synced between your desktop and the cloud


Other enhancements to ReCap 360 allow users to add tags, notes, pictures and hyperlinks that are automatically synced between the desktop and the cloud.

ReCap 360 Ultimate (formerly ReCap Pro) is Autodesk’s lead solution for anyone with a laser scanner.

New features include:

– All the features announced with ReCap 360 (see above)
– New automatic scan-to-scan registration engine – beneficial for anyone working in the field, target-less automatic registration lets you quickly, effortlessly and accurately register scans with little to no user interaction
– New lower pricing, nearly half the annual cost of ReCap Pro, with the same 100 GB of storage space

The enhancements will be available beginning 13 April.

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