Theorem 3D PDF HERO

Theorem releases latest Creo-to-3D PDF v23.3

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Theorem Solutions has announced the release of its latest Creo to 3D PDF publisher, with V23.3 supports Creo 4.0, 6.0 and 7.0.

Theorem’s 3D PDF products enable the publishing of 3D Creo data directly from within the design application into an interactive 3D PDF document format, or HTML5 output.

The published PDF document contains embedded interactive 3D representations of the native Creo data (within pre-defined templates), which promise greater levels of intellectual property protection.

The latest release also offers support for separate passwords to control the access to the document, as well as separate passwords to enable any editing of the 3D PDF output.

V23.3 supports Model Based Definition and 3D annotations and dimensions (PMI) from Creo into the 3D PDF format.

Anybody with access to the freely available Adobe Reader, either on a PC, tablet or smartphone, can access the interactive 3D data and are able to view, mark-up and interrogate the document without the use of specialist CAD software.

As 3D PDF is an ISO standard, the technology is easily integrated and can become the protocol for easy, seamless document creation and communication.


“3D PDF can be configured via our bespoke templates to distribute CAD models to different departments removing the need for physical documents and drawings to be shared,” said a Theorem spokesperson.

“Our unique approach to the challenge of an enterprise level workflow is built from over 25 years of experience with CAD to CAD conversion and PLM data exchange.

“Our partnership with PTC ensures that there is a parallel development between the latest releases of Creo and Theorem’s 3D PDF products, allowing Theorem to continue to provide publishing solutions to the Creo community.”

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