Genesis’ tools are used to design engine sounds and generate interactive sound simulation for driving simulators
Physically correct visualisation expert Optis is moving into a new sensory dimension with the acquisition of French company Genesis – authority in sound simulation and perception.
With a focus on sound quality processing and on the analysis of the human perception of sound, Genesis also provides audio simulators and 3D sound playback systems, to companies such as Airbus, Renault, Hyundai, Nissan and Chrysler.
Genesis’ ASD Designer is used to design engine sounds and generate additional sounds using the audio system of vehicles, while its technology also provides interactive sound simulation for driving simulators, human factor studies, and noise, vibration and harshness testing.
“I was amazed at all the similarities between our two companies and also to see that we shared a same customer base,” said Optis president and CEO Jacques Delacour, adding that it has plans to grow to 200 ‘collaborators’ by the end of 2015.
“As part of the Optis group, we will develop and combine our cross-competences to accelerate the expansion of our product offerings into international markets,” said Genesis founder Patrick Boussard.
“We both believe that the simulation of physical sensations, whether sight or hearing, is fundamental to study human perception and create the products of tomorrow.”