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LimitState:Fix 4.0 adds updates for en-masse 3D mesh repair

1220 0

LimitState:Fix 4.0 has been announced for 3D model mesh repair, adding new features for faster repairs, splitting shells into multiple parts, and more batch uses.

LimitState:Fix utilises Polygonica mesh processing technology, providing users with what it says is a ‘simple, yet powerful and cost-effective’ tool, with a ‘one-click’ Auto Fix function at its heart, which looks to quickly and systematically fix all the errors in a model according to the user-defined settings.

The latest release offers users “a straightforward, but incredibly capable solution to the problem of ensuring the print readiness of 3D mesh geometries,” said LimitState principal engineer Thomas Pritchard.

“In a sector that’s looking towards ‘right-first-time’ manufacture, the assurance of watertight, defect-free meshes at the touch of a button is invaluable. We think this is a real opportunity to help enhance productivity for anyone involved in 3D printing.”

Version 4.0 sees a range of new features and enhancements to the software, including the introduction of a multi-model interface and also tools to speed up the set up of models for pre-defined or user-specified 3D print platforms.

For files containing multiple solids, LimitState:FIX now contains a functionality to snap to the baseplate, automatically arrange and scale the objects, as well as validate the layout within the selected print platform.

As well as exporting a healed file in mesh format, LimitState:FIX now has the capability to save generate slice files (SLC or CLI) for use directly or in path planning.


Updates in this release include, but are not limited to:

●  Import, heal and export multiple files en-masse
●  Automatically arrange models to fit a range of popular 3D print platforms
●  Export in slice file format (SLC, CLI)
●  Improved mesh closing workflow, providing up to 200x faster repairs
●  New and enhanced intelligent hole closing algorithms
●  Updated user interface, with cleaner icons and images
●  New model manipulation functions, including scaling and translation
●  Split multi-shell objects to separate entities
●  Validate the project before export

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