Bruker Alicona FocusX 5 axis optimax

Bruker Alicona adds FocusX 5-axis metrology to line-up

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Bruker Alicona has added the FocusX a bench-mounted measuring system for dimensions, position, shape and roughness assessment complete with automated five axis measurement.

Using a purpose designed rotation and tilt device, the FocusX allows the detailed 3D measurement of an object, making all areas accessible but also allowing for the automation of measurement components.

Designed to give its best performance for small and high-precision parts, its UX allows the instrument to be used by operators with minimal metrology experience, the speed of data acquisition is significantly faster and its promises a much denser measurement point density.

Bruker Alicona FocusX optimaxCapable of capturing millions of data points in seconds Bruker Alicona is targeting high accuracy and high throughput with the FocusX, which is says is particularly useful in production lines where speed and accuracy are principal factors for 3D scanning.

A 3D data point model with up to 500 million points in a large area, with a vertical resolution of as low as 20nm, the optical system can also be used for dimensional measurements as a normal CMM with length measuring deviation of E=(0.8+L/600) µm.

The FocusX uses Bruker Alicona’s advanced Focus Variation principle with Smart Flash 2.0 to obtain measurement data, providing measurement capabilities that have not been available before.

This, it says, is especially of benefit for the detailed measurement of cutting tools, stamped parts such as EloPins and plug connectors, high performance screw profiles, medical devices such as bone screws medical instruments and critical aerospace components.


Interestingly, a digital model of the physical measurement instrument moving in real time is shown in the software, giving a digital workspace to create measurement plans in, meaning that complex programs can be easily visualised in virtual space. This becomes particularly advantageous when introducing a fourth and fifth axis that can otherwise be difficult to keep track of. Furthermore, the system automatically anticipates collisions with itself and the measured part, reducing risk.

CAD files of the measured part can be imported into the digital twin to help create a measurement program. The user can simply select areas on the CAD model to scan or define what measurements they are interested in – a diameter, for example. The FocusX software then automatically calculates the optimal scanning method and angles for rotation and tilt to gain line of sight. This is especially helpful for surfaces with freeform geometry or if the rest of the part is partially blocking access.

Bruker Alicona explains that its software will also import any PMI data contained within the CAD model, identifying all critical measurements specified by the original part design, which it automatically generates a measurement program complete with tolerances.

The latest model is available now via Bruker Alicona and UK and Ireland reseller Optimax Imaging and Inspection.