Rize 2xc 3D printer

Rize 2XC 3D Printer marks new Sindoh partnership

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Rize has debuted the Rize 2XC, developed using Sindoh’s 3D printer utilising Rize’s Rizium composite materials.

The Rize 2XC has an introductory price of $3,995 in the US and €3,995 in Europe, which belies a feature list that includes a dual-extruder and a portfolio of engineering-grade materials that Rize claims are certified zero emissions, recyclable, moisture-resistant and require minimal post-processing.

The Rize 2XC 3D printer offers a 228mm x 200mm x 300mm build area, with a 50 micron accuracy, and the ability to print not only the Rize stable of materials, but PLA, ABS, flexible, PVA and an array of open source materials.

In the default set-up, one extruder runs Rize’s composite and polymer material, while the other extruder runs Rizium Support, specifically designed by Rize for filament based extrusion systems, which aids post processing without requiring additional efforts or chemicals.

Of most interest is the new relationship between Rize and Sindoh, and the Rize CEO Andy Kalambi’s statement that the partnership is a demonstration of Rize’s ‘openness to work with other industry players’.

In this case Rize’s materials portfolio and innovative breakaway support material is front and centre, rather than its hardware (including the Rize One which we reviewed in 2017), with the Boston-based company acting as a materials partner to the Korean printer and fax machine company, Sindoh to enter the sub-$5k market.

“Sindoh’s cooperative R&D effort with Rize showed us that we chose the right partner indeed – a partner as committed to innovation in materials and technologies as we are,” said BB Lee, CEO, 3D Printing Division at Sindoh.


“We’re delighted to expand our reach into more segments of the market through the cooperative solutions we are creating with Rize.”

“The industry is overdue for collaborating to put team safety and health as a top priority as business enters a new normal,” added Rize CEO Andy Kalambi.

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