oqton factoryos eos

Oqton FactoryOS gets integration into EOS AM

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Oqton FactoryOS has integrated EOS software capabilities, making the additive manufacturing software an end-to-end production platform for EOS’ polymer and metals 3D printers.

Critical to this is how Oqton’s AI-driven optimisation is capable of capturing best production practices, leading to improved quality and increased machine utilisation, which can result in a significant increases in ROI for Oqton and EOS’ customers.

Oqton cites that in dental and jewellery markets, for example, by achieving 100 per cent automation the user can reduce the overall cost by 30 per cent.

The Oqton FactoryOS allows users to send 3D print jobs from the cloud directly to a 3D printer anywhere in the world – enabling alerts to mobile devices when a build is ready; offering a full job quality report with every produced part and automatically optimises part nesting and build job schedules to maximize machine use.

Oqton states that the integration between Oqton FactoryOS’s cloud manufacturing platform and EOS’ open hardware system has made this all possible – suggesting that this is a great step towards full autonomous manufacturing for one of the most widely used 3D printing brands in industrial use.

“I am impressed by the level of build preparation automation and increases in productivity that can be achieved by leveraging Oqton FactoryOS as MES and IOT platform,” said EOS software division SVP Martin Steuer.

“With that, and the easy to implement high standard cyber security capabilities, it is a unique cloud based solution and we are happy that EOS customers can now benefit from it.”


Ben Schrauwen, Oqton’s CTO, added: “This integration was only possible because of the open software architecture of EOS products and the support through the EOS Developer Network, making it easy to use the EOSPrint and EOSConnect APIs in our cloud platform.

“We were able to deeply integrate our AI-automated build preparation workflow directly to the EOS systems of our customers, allowing to drive, manage and track them directly from the cloud.”

DEVELOP3D readers can request a one month free trial, here.

Oqton FactoryOS was listed earlier this year as part of The D3D 30, our round-up of 30 new technologies from around the world that we believe could give your product development work a major boost. Read more here.

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