The Jim Heppelmann interview

Posted by - February 23, 2011
PTC has shocked many in the industry with its recent rebranding and relaunching of its flagship product, Pro/Engineer under the…

Z Corp’s recycling smarts

Posted by - February 25, 2011
The Z Corp machines remove the initial large quantity of unused powder under negative pressure. 3D Printing has been through…

The art of parts

Posted by - March 2, 2011
Kramski, one of the world's leading tooling and parts manufacturers, optimised its product development processes and improved product quality with…

IT standards – shake it up!

Posted by - March 7, 2011
When developing new IT standards, a committee-based approach is important for the greater good, but having multiple competing standards can…

SpaceClaim Engineer 2011

Posted by - March 9, 2011
Al Dean looks at the latest release from SpaceClaim, a purveyor of direct modelling design tools that are increasingly special…

Comsol Multiphysics 4.0

Posted by - March 11, 2011
While the heavy simulation tools used for FEA or CFD have been widely adopted, systems simulation is still a relatively…

Automatic for the people

Posted by - March 15, 2011
2011 is the ten-year anniversary of DriveWorks, the specialist developer of design automation software. Al Dean talks to CEO Glen…

Paving the way for customisation

Posted by - March 16, 2011
Construction equipment manufacturer Guntert & Zimmerman was able to take control of its complex SolidWorks assemblies and AutoCAD drawings by…