Show stoppers

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Sam Townshend Loughborough University
Course BA Industrial Design and Technology
University Loughborough University
Project A mountaineering stove designed to be stable and level on any terrain; as well as easy to assemble and carry

Christopher McNicholl University of Dundee
Course Product Design (BSc Hons)
University University of Dundee
Project TweetingSeat is an interactive park bench designed to explore the potential for connecting digital and physical communities. The bench logs its usage by uploading images of its users and environment to a live Twitter feed

Timothy Hall University for the Creative Arts
Course Product Design
University University for the Creative Arts Rochester
Project Strata is an LED pendant lighting solution that provides functional light when it is required


Edward Barber Nottingham Trent University
Course BA Honours, Product and Furniture Design
University Nottingham Trent University
Project 1milk is a reusable milk container developed to promote an attitude change towards disposable milk packaging

Tim Pryde University of Dundee
Course Product Design (BSc Hons)
University University of Dundee
Project DON-8r is a small, fund-raising robot that travels through public spaces relying upon coin donations to keep it moving. Inspired by the increasingly negative attitude towards on-the-street charity workers, DON-8r raises money through encouraging playful and empathetic support from strangers and passers-by

Tom Peach Loughborough University
Course BA Industrial Design and Technology
University Loughborough University
Project The ‘humble’ printer looks to readdress and define the ideal experience of using and owning a printer in the home environment

A selection of graduate work on show at the New Designers event

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