Verisurf 2023

Verisurf unveils 2023 update

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Verisurf Software has launched its 2023 update with features including a new automated workflow that should improve efficiency and expand repeatable process control for inspection, reserve engineering and tool building applications.

Verisurf said its 2023 update has many new measurement workflow enhancements, including automatic ballooning of model-based definition (MBD) reference frames, to streamline first article type inspection and reporting.

Verisurf claimed no other measurement software is built on a full-featured 3D CAD platform and is committed to intelligent MBD.

As part of the new features, Venisurf 2023 should feature an intelligent plan from MBD, which should make parts with complex GD&T, such as under-constrained datum reference frames, composite position and profile, and separate and simultaneous requirements, no longer challenging to program and report.

Verisurf 2023 should support creating complex inspection plans from associative MBD and intelligent analysis of the GD&T.

The new update should also feature a new tri-mesh utility, which should simplify meshes, create uniform triangles, and maintain sharp edges.

The new flatten mesh utility should create a flat 2D mesh from an open 3D mesh to aid in determining the required stock for formed parts and support for nesting operations.


When the parent surface of a thin part, such as a sheet metal stamping, deviates from the nominal, the measurement of the edge can result in failed probe hits due to the deviation of the part.

For this reason, Verisurf has introduced a new dynamic edge point, developed to ensure the actual edge is measured by automatically adding a surface index point to adjust the measurement location of the edge point.

In the new update, CMM inspection planning should be enhanced using a realistic, graphical representation of the active probe.

Another new feature of the 2023 version is MBD from 3D annotation, which should convert CAD GD&T annotations from Solidworks, Inventor, SolidEdge, and STEP AP242 to Verisurf’s intelligent MBD with tolerance associativity.

Verisurf said that intelligent MBD combined with their new ballooning reduces transcription errors while automating inspection planning and reporting.

Verisulf 2023 should also feature enhanced cloud and mash slice, which aim to simplify reverse engineering workflows with tools to slice meshes and clouds.

The slice mesh should now feature an option to create edge splines from the cropped ends of a mesh. Users should be able to close splines interrupted by holes in the mesh automatically, and project slices to a locked plane to aid surfacing and solid modelling.

Users should now be able to simplify cloud measurement with non-contact scanners using the new measure cloud object featuring dedicated scanner controls.

After choosing the measure cloud object, the scanner controls, including scan rates, clipping plane, and pre and post-processing, filters should be displayed on the measure settings tab, providing direct control access.

Another new feature is the offline auto-align enhancements, which should improve non-contact scan-data alignment accuracy.

When circles, or slot targets, are used with a cloud or mesh to align data to a model, Verisurf should fit an inscribed feature through the nearest points sampled evenly around the circumference.

Finally, GD&T analysis and reporting should be enhanced by the addition of datum modifier support for position and profile and advanced options for composite reporting.