Winner of Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering’s ‘Create the Trophy’ competitio

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Euan Fairholm of Edinburgh produced the 2014 winning design for the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering

Euan Fairholm from Edinburgh has won the 2014 ‘Create the Trophy’ competition, beating hundreds of UK hopefuls with his design The Golden Crown.

His design will be developed into a final form and presented by Her Majesty the Queen to the winner of the 2015 Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering.

20-year-old Euan, who is studying mechanical engineering at Glasgow University, has also won £2,000.

Create the Trophy judges Mark Miodownik, Roma Agrawal, Sir John Sorrell with QE Prize Director Caroline Evans


“It is a great honour to have my design selected to be the trophy for The Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering. I am both humbled and delighted to consider that something which I contributed to will be used to recognise such great and important achievements in engineering,” och-ayed Euan, who is from Edinburgh, and who beat competition from the final shortlist of 9.

A public vote was counted as the seventh judge on the Create the Trophy competition judging panel, which also included:

Ian Blatchford (Chairman of judges) – Director, Science Museum
Sir John Sorrell – Chairman, University of Arts, London
Roma Agrawal – Roma Agrawal – Structural Engineer at WSP and Marks & Spencer ‘Leading Lady’
Mark Miodownik – Materials scientist and broadcaster
David Rowan – Editor in Chief, Wired
Jennifer Leggett – Engineering student. Create the Trophy competition winner in 2013

Ian Blatchford, Director of the Science Museum, and Chairman of the ‘Create the Trophy’ judging panel said: “Once again, this competition has shown the creativity of young people in the UK. Shortlisting the entries down to our nine finalists was not easy; nor was selecting the winner.

“However, the judges are all agreed that Euan’s design best met the brief. We felt that his work illustrates our dependence on engineering and technology, and demonstrates the fact that modern engineering builds on the work of the past. His use of a crown in his design recognizes this as The Queen’s Prize.

“He has produced a trophy that represents all that the Queen Elizabeth Prize stands for. We look forward to seeing the final trophy being presented to next year’s QEPrize winner.”

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