UK government does something positive to help future designers with the new National Skills Academy

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As design students across the world finish off their final year projects, the UK government is developing a positive approach to help future students with the new National Skills Academy for the design sector.

With the backing of the Design Council, the Creative & Cultural Skills National Skills Academy aims to share its resources and expertise, offer insight on emerging design practice and provide platforms for the design sector to debate and help steer the Academy’s priorities. The result for young designers is hoped to be excellent careers information, advice and guidance for young people; develoment of alternative entry routes into the creative industries; and provision of high quality professional development.

Year one activity for the new Skills Academy for Design will kick off in in late 2012 with a new careers programme for young people considering a career in design, along with research and pilots looking at different routes into the sector.
“It’s really good news to see the Government show its support for the design industry through this investment,” yelled Mat Hunter, the Design Council’s chief design officer while swinging on his chair at the back of the class.

“The Skills Academy will help ensure those who want to get into design and those already working in the sector receive the best guidance and training available. It is now down to designers and design businesses to get involved and make it happen.”

Creative & Cultural Skills is actively seeking partners in this new development project, with interested parties invited to attend an open meeting at the Design Museum on 19 June.


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