Beginner’s guide to surface modelling in SolidWorks
In the quest for self betterment there are few worse times to start than at the beginning of an August Bank Holiday weekend (US – think Labor Day weekend), but if you’ve got the inclination, then we’ve got the goods.
Should you find a few minutes (or the ability to bookmark content for a future date when you’re not pouring cold beer down your neck) then here’s a great introduction to bringing surface modelling into your SolidWorks skill set.
It’s the tool you’d be looking to employ for creating organic shapes – salacious curves, ergonomic fits and, generally, wavy lines – that solid modelling software can struggle with.
This beginner’s guide is produced by SolidWorks reseller and training partner Innova Systems, and briskly canters through the basics in a manner that is easy to follow, and might even give some pros a few good tips.
This article forms part of our regular search for interesting video tutorials on the internet for a wide variety of CAD software. We do not take any responsibility for the content, own any part of it or have direct association with any software company, provider, or tutorials site. They’re just useful videos.
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