Simcenter Madymo improves Active Human model for enhanced safety simulation

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Simcenter Madymo can simulate the impact of a car crash on the human body using Simcenter Active Human software, with the latest version now with solver run times reduced by 28 per cent over previous releases.

A Simcenter Active Human is a digital twin of an average adult male, with the model able to simulate a human body reacting to movements whilst maintaining posture with the use of a unique musculo-skeletal form guided by a control system of sensors and actuators – perfect for crash simulations.

The latest version of model has been extended with new features, including an active shoulder control, strength scaling, and drowsiness, sleep and unconsciousness modelling, helping users to accurately model human-like reactions needed for safer autonomous vehicle design.
In addition, faster runtimes should allow users to more easily and frequently model varying car seating configurations to rapidly build an accurate analysis.

According to Siemens, a typical crash analysis in Simcenter Madymo may take up to 15-20 minutes, whilst the same in a finite element (FE) code could take several hours.

When using Simcenter Active Human, the simulation time of an event of three seconds will take approximately two hours to complete, when in the past it might have taken up to four hours.


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