Siemens to acquire LMS International

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This one is hot off the newswire. Siemens PLM is to acquire LMS International.

The Leuven-based outfit, LMS, has been around for a good long while, cornering the market for specialist tools for those involved in test and validation. While it’s probably an over simplification, LMS’ solutions unique selling point centre on the fact that they’ve specialised in tools for carrying out highly complex simulations (with it’s virtual.lab products) at the same time as test and data acquisition capture and analysis tools (with it’s test.lab product range) – and in many cases combining the two data sets (real world and virtual) to benefit both areas.

LMS also tackles some pretty hardcore simulation tasks, whether that’s acoustic simulation, NVH (Noise Vibration and Harshness), durability (think: fatigue), systems engineering.

The press release states that “With this acquisition, Siemens will become the first product lifecycle management (PLM) software company to provide a closed-loop systems-driven product development solution extending all the way to integrated test management. The integrated solution will increase simulation accuracy, which improves decision making and enhances customers’ ability to design the product right the first time. The decision making process is underpinned by a deep and accurate virtual analysis linked to the physical world.

What’ll be interesting to watch is how this will effect the development of LMS products. Virtual.Lab in particular is built onto and into Dassault’s V5 platform, a result of its heavy focus on automotive and aerospace. With Siemens looking to push not only Teamcenter, but also NX into both of those spaces to displace Catia, then it’s a smart move for them to be able to offer these types of tools natively. Then when you consider Siemens’ involvement in the hardware side of physical test, then the whole thing looks very impressive indeed.


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