PTC UK Technology Forum 2009 – registration opens

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Given the tag line, “Design without Barriers”, PTC are hosting their annual user event towards the tail end of next month. This follows the Global gathering of PTC users in Florida earlier this year with more scaled down, but more local event. It’s being held on the 24th November at the Heritage Motor Centre, Gaydon. The press release states that “Commencing at 0900am, with an introduction to PTC´s Technology and Vision roadmap, followed by over 12 presentations, 3 business tracks, and a networking lunch.”

Highlights of the day seem to be a hands-on introduction to Wildfire 5.0 (there’s also an in-depth review coming up in the next issue of DEVELOP3D), as well as looks into ProductPoint, PDMLink for larger organizations and Mathcad. A handful of customer will also be presenting, including the masters of all things cleaning related, VAX. As you would also expect, there’s an exhibition with resellers, partners and such.

Registration is now live at

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