Proto Labs prototyping philanthropy

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What we need now is a UK version…

As the push for innovation continues, Proto Labs is offering up a bounty of $100,000 worth of prototyping and short-run production services to the multiple winners of its Cool Idea Award.

Although it’s only open to applicants in the USA, it’s a great example of product design philanthropy.

“The success of our company is due to a cool idea that made quick-turn injection molded prototypes a reality,” giggled Proto Labs CEO Brad Cleveland at the launch. “We’re eager to propel the cycle forward by supporting the next generation of innovators who may otherwise lack the resources to get their ideas to market.”

Not only does the prize mean you’ll have prototypes and even a short product run, but Proto Labs will want to use your product in case studies and other promotional material. What we need now is a UK version…

If you’re based in the States, here’s some more info on how to enter.
Entrants need to provide:


A description of the project/product
An explanation for why you think their project/product is “cool”
What kind of support do you need? (moulded parts, machined parts, quantities, time line, etc.)
What is the overall benefit to the end-user of your product?

All the legal stuff and further details can be found following the link below.

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