Inspiration: James Victore, live in London

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Inspirational graphic designer James Victore is speaking in London next week

While we’re all about the design world at DEVELOP3D, it’s always good to grab some inspiration from other sectors, other industries and other people’s thoughts.

If you’re searching for inspiration then you can do a lot worse than listen to graphic design wizard James Victore deliver one of his talks – perfect for giving you that much needed adrenaline shot in the arm to get over the post holidays and post summer blues

The good news is that rather than sneaking a half-arsed glimpse of a youtube video during lunch, our friend, Mark Shayler at Ape, is bringing Mr Victore to London on 5 September to deliver his “Take this job and love it” discussion/rant/call to action.
Tickets are just under 50 quid and it’s running bright and early at 3Space on Oxford Street.

And while we’re on the subject of inspiration, you can also do a lot worse than watch Mark Shayler’s presentation on “design as a superpower” from this year’s DEVELOP3D Live



DEVELOP3D Live 2014: Mark Shayler, Ape from DEVELOP3D on Vimeo.

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