investor day

Dyndrite investor day for digital manufacturing startups

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Dyndrite is hosting its inaugural Digital Manufacturing Investor Day on 30 June 2020.

If you’ve got an idea, are already in the startup phase or maybe looking to get in on the ground level with hardware/software startup funding, this might be a good place to spend the day – virtually speaking, of course.

The event is an initiative to help link startups in the digital manufacturing space to investors in the industry.

As supply chains have been recently disrupted and workforces have to remain distanced, so new digital manufacturing technology becomes even more critical as manufacturers figure out how to tackle these challenges.

This event will feature pitches from top startups worldwide, as well as panels from top investment firms participating in the industry. Industry media, such as us at DEVELOP3D, are also attending.

Why? The answer, from my perspective as co-founder, is that our company was born in 2008, right smack in the middle of the last economic recession – we know how hard it is to try to build something worthwhile when it looks like everything is stacking up against you – that’s why I was keen to help Dyndrite promote its investor day.

As a result, I was also curious about why a start-up might put on an event like this – after all, surely everyone is going after the same pots of funding. The answer is found in a blog post that covers this very question:


“Luckily, there are incredible innovations already happening to solve the pressing challenges we are facing in our new operating environment. These technologies will steer the future of manufacturing as we know it. Now we are helping those entrepreneurs by providing an opportunity to pitch their solutions.

“As an enabling technology provider for both established and emerging AM companies, Dyndrite enjoys a unique, front-row seat to future products and emerging trends within digital manufacturing.

“Our daily work provides an inside view on an array of next generation hardware and software tools. This enables us to share in the excitement for the future of the industry, help where we have insight, and make meaningful introductions where it makes sense.

“Dyndrite is fortunate to also have supportive backers and an outstanding investor network in Silicon Valley. This investor network is eager for new opportunities, especially those advancing the digital manufacturing industry.

“In coming together we are providing a new venue to shine the spotlight on companies that are moving the needle in this space.

If you fancy sitting in and getting involved, you’ll need to register here.

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