International Women in Engineering Day launches for 2018

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Given that today strikes the mark of 100 years since women were (somewhat tentatively) given the vote in the UK, it’s fitting that The Women’s Engineering Society has announced Saturday 23 June as this year’s International Women in Engineering Day (INWED).

The theme this year is ‘Raising the Bar’, which is an invitation for you to show the world how you are making positive change in what you do and how you do it – whether professionally, through studying or perhaps by creating a more diverse workplace.

The Women’s Engineering Society hopes to see lots of people and organisations demonstrating how they will be #RaisingTheBar for #INWED18 through events, activities and social media (note the hashtags people!).
As in previous years expect a plethora of female talent to be showcased and to see a huge number of events for people to participate in worldwide – click here to find out how you can get involved.